Women Plumbers: Don’t be Surprised!
The population of skilled tradespeople will soon be drastically changing. The Baby Boomer Generation, which has dominated the skilled trades for as long as many of us can remember, is soon to be retired. Not only does this fact open opportunities for the younger generation, it also opens the doors for a much more diverse workforce. According to Zippia.com, women make up only 5.3% of all plumbers in the United States as of 2021. Trends point to this number increasing drastically in the near future.
Women in Plumbing & Piping (WiPP) is a national organization dedicated to providing “a community of connection and empowerment for women in the plumbing and piping industries to thrive personally and professionally”. Additionally, their goal is to “promote the contributions of women as an essential component to the future of these trades”. Although WiPP is still working on establishing chapters in various states, the organization has achieved some impressive partnerships. Ferguson Enterprises and Fluidmaster have stepped forward as founding sponsors of WiPP.
Encouraging women to explore and master skilled trades is also gaining traction in the charitable sector. AbodesJoy is a non-profit organization in Maryland that “trains and empowers diverse learners – women, nonbinary people, and transgender people – in home repair to build skills, confidence, and community”. Though the focus of AbodesJoy is to enable its clients to feel more comfortable with basic home repair and maintenance, who’s to say that won’t lead to new career options and interests?
The day is coming when the sight of your friendly neighborhood plumber walking through the door will be less predictable than in the past. Welcome to our ranks, Ladies!
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